Specialized Custom Extrusion
It would be easy to say “we don’t make that” or “we can’t get into that type of extrusion.” Species diversity is at the heart of our extrusion business. We don’t do easy.
Spectrum Feed Services Ltd. has over 30 years in the feed industry, and 25+ years of experience extruding quality pet and agricultural feed. Extrusion is an art. Our experienced operators know that extrusion is intricate, especially when running complex diets. We work hard to ensure consistent product is manufactured at the highest quality standard, every batch, every time. Our extrusion department and Quality Assurance team work together to ensure premium products are produced every day. We currently operate 3 different extruders, and offer a wide variety of products. We have experience manufacturing feed for any animal; fish, mice, rabbits, elephants, and everything in between!
We are proud to say that we will try anything! This idea comes right from the President’s desk. We understand that every customer has unique ideas, and we are keen to attempt extrusion of any combination of ingredients. Experimentation with new formulas is an opportunity for learning and growth, and it allows us to showcase our commitment to animal health.

Formulation - Let Your Visions Come Alive!
Our team is eager to work with brand owners to design formulations that are innovative and fit with your ideas. We design formulations using sophisticated software to ensure nutritional adequacy, but also to assess the effects a particular combination of ingredients will yield when extruded. We offer any number of formulations for small companion animals, such as Guinea Pigs and Rabbits, but also performance based feeds targeting commercial fish farms.
If you can dream it, we cake make it! Our formulation team includes board certified Animal Nutritionists, PhD nutritionists, and many experienced nutrition support staff. All team members bring a variety of expertise to the table, which ensures success from the formula development stage, straight to the extrusion phase!